MMSys 2019 banner
ACM Multimedia Systems Conference Amherst, MA, USA, June 18 - 21, 2019
Announcements: The registration page is now online.

Demo Track

Important Information

Demo Chairs

  • Amr Rizk (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
  • Britta Meixner (Tiledmedia B.V., The Netherlands)

MMSys2019 will provide researchers, engineers, and scientists with the opportunity to showcase their research prototypes, systems, and applications to MMSys attendees. Demos are intended as practical and interactive proof of the innovative ideas and novel concepts leading to scientific or engineering contributions. The goal of the Demo session is to provide multimedia researchers and practitioners the opportunity to discuss working multimedia systems, applications, prototypes, or proof-of-concepts. Such a setting allows conference attendees to view and interact first hand with innovative solutions and ideas in the field of multimedia and to see leading edge research at work.

Submissions are encouraged in all areas related to multimedia, as advertised in the MMSys2019 general call for papers. Authors of accepted research papers at MMSys 2019 are also encouraged to submit a demo showcasing more technical aspects or a proof of concept of their work. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and selection will be based on the novelty of the research and interestingness of the demonstration. Please consider the following questions in your submission:

  • What is the scientific or engineering concept behind this work that is beyond existing systems?
  • What is the novelty and significance of the work and how will it impact the audience?
  • What will be actually shown during the demo?

Single-blind submissions (written in English) should be between two and four pages long including references in ACM style format as used in the main conference track.

We encourage demo proposals to include a short video showcasing the work. Including a video will help the committee to better understand and evaluate proposals.

In addition, a separate demo requirement document should be submitted, that details the technical requirements of the demo. Please note, that the submission system can accept only one supplementary file (max. 10MB). Therefore, you have to compress multiple files into one ZIP file for submitting the supplementary materials. If the total size of your supplementary materials exceeds 10MB, please contact the demo chairs. Once accepted, demonstrators will be provided with a table, poster board, power outlet, and wireless (shared) Internet access. Any other equipment required for the demo should be brought by the presenters themselves. If you have special requests such as a larger space, special lighting conditions, large displays and so on, please indicate them in the demo requirement document, and we will do our best to arrange them.

The physical presence of at least one presenter during the demo session is required. The presenter must be registered to MMSys 2019. For further questions, please contact us at


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